Richard joined NovoJuris US in 2023 as Partner, with a primary focus on corporate and commercial transactions for entrepreneurs conducting business in the US.

Previously, Richard served as inside counsel for several corporations in the technology, SaaS and the investment services industries. Prior to that, he was a senior associate at the global law firm Reed Smith, LLP in Philadelphia. Richard has worked with companies of all sizes, from seed-stage startups to public companies, alternative investment funds, registered broker-dealers and real estate investment trusts, with a specialization in private fundraising. He has also served as an advisory board member to two early-stage startup enterprises.

Richard is a member of the Pennsylvania bar, with a J.D. degree from the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, and a Bachelor’s degree in Finance from The American University in Washington, DC. He is also a member of the Association of Corporate Counsel, Greater Philadelphia Chapter.

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