Credit flow to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Sector

Reserve Bank of India vide its notification dated 02 July 2020 has notified a new composite criterion of investment and turnover for both manufacturing and service sector. The new criteria will come into effect from 01 July 2020. The details are as under:

New composite criterion of investment and turnover for both Manufacturing and Service sector


Earlier position of law

New Criteria


Sector: Manufacturing

Investment in Plant &Machinery not exceeding 25 Lakh

Sector: Services

Investment in equipment not exceeding 10 Lakh


Investment in Plant &Machinery not exceeding 1 crore,


Turnover not exceeding 5 crore


Sector: Manufacturing

Investment in Plant &Machinery than 25 Lakh but does not exceed 5 crore

Sector: Services

Investment in equipment more than 10 Lakh but does not exceed 2 crore.


Investment in Plant &Machinery not exceeding 10 crore,


Turnover not exceeding 50 crore


Sector: Manufacturing

Investment in P&M more than 5 crore but does not exceed 10 crore

Sector: Services

Investment in equipment more than 2 crore but does not exceed 5 crore


Investment in Plant &Machinery not exceeding 50 crore,


Turnover not exceeding 250 crore

The RBI Notification dated 02 July 2020 can be accessed here

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