The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MEITY) vide notification dated 22nd May, 2018 has notified the Information Technology (Information Security Practices and Procedures for Protected System) Rules, 2018 (“Rules”) which shall come into force on the date of publication in the Official Gazette. The Rules detail the responsibilities to be met by various organisations which have a protected system. “Protected System” means any computer, computer system or computer network of any organisations notified under section 70 of the Act, in the official gazette by appropriate Government. Constitution of Information Security Steering Committee The Rules mandate that an organisation having a Protected System shall constitute an Information Security Steering Committee (ISSC) whose chairman shall be the Chief Executive Officer/ Managing Director/ Secretary of the organisation (Rule 3 (1) (a)). The composition of the ISSC as mentioned Rule 3 (1) (b) shall be as follows:
- IT Head or equivalent;
- Chief Information Security Officer (CISO);
- Financial Advisor or equivalent;
- Representative of National Critical Information Infrastructure Protection Centre (NCIIPC);
- Any other expert(s) to be nominated by the organisation.
The ISSC shall be the apex body and its responsibilities (as mentioned under Rule 3(2)) shall be as follows:
- All the information security policies of a Protected System has to be approved by the ISSC.
- Any significant change in the network configuration which has an impact on the Protected System shall be approved by ISSC.
- It is mandatory that each significant change in the application(s) of the Protected System shall be approved by ISSC.
- A mechanism has to be established which ensures timely communication of the cyber incident(s) related to Protected System to the ISSC.
- Protected System shall be validated for assessment after every 2 (two) years.
The Rules also lay down certain roles and responsibilities for the organisations having a Protected System (as mentioned under Rule 3(3)). Some of the key responsibilities are as follows:
- Nominate an officer as CISO whose roles and responsibilities shall be as per the latest Guidelines for Protection of Critical Information Infrastructure (“Guidelines”) and “Roles and Responsibilities of CISOs of Critical Sectors in India” released by the (NCIIPC);
- Plan, establish, implement, operate, monitor, review, maintain and continually improve Information Security Management System (ISMS) of its system as per the latest Guidelines released by the NCIIPC or an industry accepted standard duly approved by the said NCIIPC;
- Ensure that the network architecture of Protected System shall be documented;
- The same shall be reviewed at least once a year, or whenever required, or according to the (ISMS);
- Plan, develop, maintain and review the documents of inventory of hardware and software related to Protected System;
- Ensure that the vulnerability/threat/risk (V/T/R) analysis for the cyber security architecture of Protected System shall be carried out at least once a year. Further the (V/T/R) analysis shall be initiated whenever there is significant change or upgrade in the system, by intimation of the same to ISSC;
- Plan, establish, implement, operate, monitor, review, and continually improve Cyber Crisis Management Plan (CCMP) in close coordination with NCIIPC;
- Ensure conduct of internal and external Information Security audits periodically.
- Establish a Cyber Security Operation Center (C-SOC) using such tools and technologies to implement preventive, detective and corrective controls to secure against advanced and emerging cyber threats.
- The records of unauthorised access, unusual and malicious activity, if any, shall be documented;
- Establish a Network Operation Center (NOC) using tools and techniques to manage control and monitor the network(s) of Protected System.
- Plan, develop, maintain and review the process of taking regular backup of logs of networking devices, perimeter devices, etc. and services supporting “Protected System” and the logs shall be handled as per the ISMS as suggested.
The Rules also lay down responsibilities of the CISO towards NCIIPC (As mentioned under Rule 4). They are as follows:
- CISO shall maintain regular contact with the NCIIPC and will be responsible for implementing the security measures.
- CISO shall share inform the NCIIPC, whenever there is any change, and incorporate the inputs/feedbacks suggested by the said (NCIIPC)- with regard to details of Critical Information Infrastructure (CII), details of ISSC, network architecture of the Protected System., etc.
- CISO shall establish a process, in consultation with the NCIIPC, for sharing of logs of “Protected System” with NCIIPC to help detect anomalies and generate threat intelligence on real time basis.
- CISO shall also establish a process of sharing documented records of Cyber Security Operation Center (related to unauthorised access, unusual and malicious activity) of Protected System with NCIIPC to facilitate issue of guidelines, advisories and vulnerability, audit notes etc. relating to Protected System.
- CISO shall establish a process in consultation with NCIIPC, for timely communication of cyber incident(s) on Protected System to the said NCIIPC.
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