On 16 August 2017, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (“TRAI”) released the above draft amendment regulations, seeking the comments of stakeholders. This was done as part of the process of making mobile number portability easier and more consumer-friendly. The TRAI realised that the majority of the rejections in MNP requests came as a result of a mismatch/expiry of the UPC (the Unique Porting Code) generated by the transferor operator, or the transferee operator being unable to verify the accuracy of other information provided by the subscriber. Thus, this amendment proposes to require all transferor (originating) operators to provide the UPC and other information regarding the subscriber (such as the amount outstanding, last date of payment, the period of notice) to a central MNP Clearing House. The transferee (receiving) operator can then check information received by subscribers against that available in the Clearing House’s database. Stakeholders can provide their comments on the above Amendments till 31 August 2017. Source: http://trai.gov.in/sites/default/files/Draft_MNP_Regulation_7th_Amd_16082017.pdf