On 28 August 2017, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (“TRAI”) released the above Consultation Paper in pursuance of a reference from the Department of Telecommunication on this matter. Among other issues, the Consultation Paper seeks the comments of stakeholders on the following issues:
- The quantum of spectrum to be auctioned in each band, and whether spectrum in larger bands should be auctioned only after the spectrum in the smaller bands is already auctioned;
- Whether the minimum amount of spectrum required to be auctioned in each bank should be changed?
- Whether there should be roll-out obligations for the entities buying/owning spectrum, in terms of making access services available to customers within a minimum time-period? and
- Whether the existing methodologies used for valuations of spectrum should be retained or not
Stakeholders can provide their comments on the above Consultation Paper till September 25, 2017. Source: http://trai.gov.in/sites/default/files/Spectrum_CP_28082017.pdf