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Regulatory Updates: Intellectual Property (IP Laws) - DIPP and WIPO to set up Technology and Innovation Support Centers for IP generation

The Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) (Industrial Promotion Body) and World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) have joined hands to establish Technology and Innovation Support Centres (TISC) in the country which is expected to boost generation and commercialisation of intellectual properties. The agreement, signed between the DIPP and WIPO for setting up of TISCs, will provide an motivation to knowledge sharing, capacity building and sharing of best practices among the over TISCs operating worldwide by providing access to global network. Services offered by TISCs may include:

  1. Access to online patent and non-patent (scientific and technical) resources and IP-related publications;
  2. Assistance in searching and retrieving technology information;
  3. Training in database search;
  4. On-demand searches (novelty, state-of-the-art and infringement);
  5. Monitoring technology and competitors;
  6. Basic information on industrial property laws, management and strategy, and technology commercialization and marketing.

The Cell for IPR Promotion and Management (CIPAM) is designated as the National Focal point for the TISC national network. As the national focal point, CIPAM shall identify potential host institutions, assess their capacities and support them in joining the TISC project. CIPAM will also act as the main intermediary between WIPO and TISC host institutions and coordinate all the activities of the national TISC network. Source

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