SEBI has enacted the “Securities and Exchange Board of India (Alternative Investment Funds) (Amendment) Regulations, 2022”, vide a notification dated 24 January 2022, to amend the AIF regulations, which inter alia provides for a framework for Special Situation Funds (“SSFs”)
SEBI vide its Circular no. SEBI/HO/IMD/IMD-I/DF6/P/CIR/2021/645 dated October 21,2021[1] have specified the Modalities for filing of placement memorandum through a Merchant Banker. Earlier on 13th August 2021 SEBI made amendment in the AIF regulations[2] to mandate that Placement memorandum shall
We are pleased to share with you an article that our Founder Sharda Balaji along with our Associate Avaneesh Satyang contributed to the 2nd volume, Issue 2 of the KNOWLEDGEex Magazine released by Indian Association of Alternative Investment Funds (IAAIF).
This article was first published by IAAFI - Indian Association of Alternative Investment Funds A side letter is a document or a letter that is ancillary to another existing contract. In investment world, Side letter would mean something over and
In this post, we look into the Adjudicating Officer’s (“AO”) Order dated November 29, 2017, in the matter of SREI Multiple Asset Investment Trust (“Fund”) and SREI Alternative Investment Managers Limited (“Investment Manager”) and the way the matter proceeded further,
The recent changes to Section 90 of Companies Act, 2013, is to determine the identity of the person behind the curtain who is having a significant ownership of the company and is essentially controlling the management and daily affairs of
SEBI vide circular no. SEBI/HO/IMD/DF1/CIR/2018/103/2018 dated 3 July 2018 with the consultation of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has decided to enhance the limit from USD 500 (five hundred) million to USD 750 (Seven Hundred Fifty) million, in terms
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