The Karnataka State Government has formulated a new industrial policy for 2020-2025 and the salient features of New Industrial Policy 2020-25 are as follows: Objectives: To attract investments worth INR 5 Lakh crore. To create employment opportunities for 20 Lakh
The Karnataka Government vide Gazette Notification dated September 5, 2019, notified the Karnataka State Rights of Persons with Disabilities Rules, 2019 framed under the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, by repealing the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection
Karnataka State Government vide Gazette Notification No.LD 127 LET 2018 dated August 8 2019, notified the Karnataka Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Rules, 2019 (“Karnataka Creche Rules”), wherein new rules relating to crèche facilities is inserted in the Karnataka Maternity Benefit Rules,
Innovation in healthcare, medical technology, bio technology, pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, hospital management and many other sectors in health care are seeing tremendous innovations across the world. India is drawing attention from such innovators who are viewing India as a large market,
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