Living with the times

At NovoJuris Legal, we believe sharing is caring and strive to share our research outputs relevant to the enterprises, founders, lawyers and knowledge professionals.

  • Budget 2014 - Reasons to Cheer...

    Budget 2014 - Reasons to Cheer...

    Some of our top takes: Cheer to Startups: Rs.10,000 crore set up for venture capital in the MSME sector, for providing equity, quasi equity, soft loans and other risk capital. The earlier promise by the government was Rs.5,000 crore fund,

    Sharda Balaji
    By Sharda Balaji about 10 years ago
  • A short note on the FDI in MSEs

    A short note on the FDI in MSEs

    A Micro & Small Enterprise, in terms of MSMED Act, 2006 can now go ahead and issue shares or convertible debentures to a person resident outside India (PROI), exceeding 24% of its paid -up capital. The only conditions which need

    Sharda Balaji
    By Sharda Balaji over 10 years ago
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