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At NovoJuris Legal, we believe sharing is caring and strive to share our research outputs relevant to the enterprises, founders, lawyers and knowledge professionals.

  • Tax advantages available to a software company

    Tax advantages available to a software company

    The Software industry in Karnataka state in India has become one of the main pillars of economy. Karnataka stands first among all the states of India in terms of revenue generated from software exports. If you are planning to set up Software Company,

    Sharda Balaji
    By Sharda Balaji over 10 years ago
  • Checklist of applicable sections for a private limited company, under the new Companies Act, 2013

    Checklist of applicable sections for a private limited company, under the new Companies Act, 2013

    Checklist of applicable sections for a private limited company, under the new Companies Act, 2013. [slideshare id=32538988&sc=no] Author : Geetika Chandel – a Company Secretary; manages Compliances at NovoJuris. She loves making graffitis. Disclaimer: This is not a legal opinion

    Sharda Balaji
    By Sharda Balaji over 10 years ago


    Income Tax Appellate Tribunal in a recent order (Dy. Commissioner of Income-tax (LTU), Bangalore Vs M/s. Biocon Limited) (“Case”) held that “discounts under the ESOP are an employee cost and should be allowed as a deduction over the vesting period, in the hands

    Sharda Balaji
    By Sharda Balaji about 11 years ago
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