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The vulnerability of Medical Devices and Medical Institutions in the age of IoT and Connected Networks

Sharda Balaji, Founder
Posted on Sun, 17 March 2019

Medical devices have taken quantum leaps in terms of their functionality, intelligence and precision in the last decade or so. Improved design, better and cheaper production materials, and the inclusion of more sophisticated software have all contributed to this improvement and have made medical devices more adaptable and user-friendly. However, perhaps the most significant development that has greatly enhanced the capabilities of medical devices is the use of connected networks by these medical devices to accomplish machine-to-machine communication. The modern age medical devices do not function in isolation anymore; they function as integrated medical devices, where the medical device, networks, software, operating systems, and other various technologies are integrated to serve the ever-changing needs of the healthcare industry. An unintended consequence of this interconnectivity is the increased susceptibility of the devices/networks to cyber-attacks as any weak point in the network may be exploited by cyber offenders, leaving all the devices in the network vulnerable.

This freely downloadable handbook identifies the problem of cyber vulnerability of the medical and healthcare industry and analyses regulatory approaches undertaken by United States of America (USA), European Union (EU) and India to lower the susceptibility to cyber-attacks. Further, the handbook assesses the impact of each regulatory framework implemented by the legal jurisdictions mentioned above.

Download Here: Vulnerability of Medical Devices and Medical Institutions_NovoJuris

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