The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (the MCA) had received representation from various stakeholders seeking for relaxation from payment of additional fee specifically with respect to filing e-form ADT-1 which was filed through Form GNL-2 during the period from 1 April 2014 to 20 October 2014 for appointment of Auditors for the period 2014 to 2019 as the e-form ADT-1 was not available for filing during the said period and consequent to this, companies were facing difficulties in filling the details of Auditor in e-form INC-22A Active (One time return to be filed by companies on details of registered office of the Company).
MCA has considered the matter and issued a General Circular on 13 May 2019 clarifying that the companies which had filed Form ADT-1 through form GNL-2 during non-availability of e-form ADT-1 i.e, from 1 April 2014 to 20 October 2014 may file e-form ADT-1 for appointment of Auditor for the period upto 31 March 2019 without any fee till 15 June 2019.
Further, the Companies which had filed form ADT-1 through e-form GNL-2 even after the deployment of e-form ADT-1 will have to file the e-form ADT-1 now with additional fee.