Regulatory Update: MCA amends Incorporation Rules in relation to Shifting of Registered Office and Incorporation fee for companies

As part of Government’s efforts to make India a startup hub and continuous efforts of ease of doing business in India, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (the MCA) has issued notification dated 6 March 2019. With this notification following changes will come into effect:

Sl No Category Before Amendment After Amendment Effect of this amendment
1. Shifting of Registered Office from One State to Another The Companies desirous to shift their Registered office from one state to another state shall advertise the notice of shifting the registered office in a vernacular newspaper in the principal vernacular language in the district and in the English language in an English newspaper with the widest circulation in the State in which the registered office of the company is situated.         The Companies desirous to shift their Registered office from one state to another state can advertise the notice of shifting the registered office in a vernacular newspaper in the principal vernacular language in the district and in the English language in an English newspaper with the wide circulation in the State in which the registered office of the company is situated.     This will remove the confusion among the stakeholders with respect to publication of notice in the newspaper and they can choose the newspapers with minimum circulation as well.   Prior to amendment if any Company choose to publish in 2nd widest circulation newspaper, then the application would be rejected and this entails to start shifting process a fresh and this would take additional 3-5 months to complete.   With this relaxation, companies can choose among various newspapers which has wide circulation.
2. Fee on Incorporation of a Company The companies incorporated with a nominal capital of less than or equal to rupees ten lakhs, fee on INC-32 (SPICe) shall not be applicable. The companies incorporated with a nominal capital of less than or equal to rupees fifteen lakhs, fee on INC-32 (SPICe) shall not be applicable with effect from 18 March 2019. Earlier the Companies with initial authorised capital up to INR 10 lakh was exempted from any MCA fee on Incorporation and only stamp duty was applicable.   Now the exemption limit has been increased to INR 15 lakh. Therefore, Companies to be incorporated with nominal capital up to 15 lakh is exempted from MCA fee and stamp duty shall continue to be applicable.


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