Living with the times

At NovoJuris Legal, we believe sharing is caring and strive to share our research outputs relevant to the enterprises, founders, lawyers and knowledge professionals.

  • Free Handbook on Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace

    Free Handbook on Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace

    This freely downloadable e-book is a ready reckoner of legislations and good practices related to prevention, prohibition and redressal of sexual harassment of women at workplace. Download your copy here.

    Sharda Balaji
    By Sharda Balaji over 7 years ago
  • Shutting Down A Company - Fast Track Exit Under The New Companies Act 2013

    Shutting Down A Company - Fast Track Exit Under The New Companies Act 2013

    One of the quick ways to shut down a company, when non-operational over a period of time, was through a process called Fast Track Exit (FTE). In its place, under the Companies Act, 2013 has brought in a process called

    Sharda Balaji
    By Sharda Balaji over 7 years ago
  • Compliance Under the Prevention of Sexual Harassment Act

    Compliance Under the Prevention of Sexual Harassment Act

    Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 came into force from December 2013. Earlier, we had written a brief about the Act, constitution of the Internal Complaints Committee (ICC). In this presentation, we are capturing the compliances

    Sharda Balaji
    By Sharda Balaji almost 8 years ago
  • Commercial Courts, Commercial Division and Commercial Appellate Division of the High Courts Act, 2015: Another Attempt by the Government to Reduce Overbearing Litigation Numbers

    Commercial Courts, Commercial Division and Commercial Appellate Division of the High Courts Act, 2015: Another Attempt by the Government to Reduce Overbearing Litigation Numbers

    In order to take forward and accelerate the agenda of the “Ease of Doing Business” and “Make in India”, the Commercial Courts, Commercial Division and Commercial Appellate Division of the High Court’s Act, 2015 (the “Act”) has been promulgated, which

    Sharda Balaji
    By Sharda Balaji almost 8 years ago
  • Bankruptcy Bill, 2015

    Bankruptcy Bill, 2015

    The Government introduced the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Bill, 2015 in Parliament on Monday (21/12/15). The current bankruptcy code in India and contains archaic laws and is spread out over multiple legislations. Due to this, India was ranked as the 136th

    Sharda Balaji
    By Sharda Balaji over 8 years ago
  • Right to be forgotten: Legal Validity and Practical Challenges

    Right to be forgotten: Legal Validity and Practical Challenges

    Background In 2010, a Spaniard, Mario Costeja González approached the Spanish Data Protection Agency with a complaint against Google and a local newspaper. A Google search of his name led to an auction notice of his repossessed home on the

    Sharda Balaji
    By Sharda Balaji almost 10 years ago
  • A short note on the FDI in MSEs

    A short note on the FDI in MSEs

    A Micro & Small Enterprise, in terms of MSMED Act, 2006 can now go ahead and issue shares or convertible debentures to a person resident outside India (PROI), exceeding 24% of its paid -up capital. The only conditions which need

    Sharda Balaji
    By Sharda Balaji over 10 years ago


    [slideshare id=28850014&style=border: 1px solid #CCC; border-width: 1px 1px 0; margin-bottom: 5px;&sc=no] Legal issues that Startups face from Novojuris           Disclaimer: This is not a legal opinion and should not be construed as one. Please speak   with your

    Sharda Balaji
    By Sharda Balaji over 10 years ago
  • Legal Issues in E-commerce - Part 1 of the series

    Legal Issues in E-commerce - Part 1 of the series

    E-commerce has picked up in India and how ! We love when a young e-com business gives a large traditional organization a run, whose competitive advantage is just being big. Over three posts we plan to present some of the

    Sharda Balaji
    By Sharda Balaji over 12 years ago
  • Legal Issues in E-Commerce - Part 2 of the series

    Legal Issues in E-Commerce - Part 2 of the series

    In the previous post  ( we provided a glimpse, that based on the specific nature of business, there are various legislations that an e-com business has to comply with. This post examines some of the ‘core’ legal issues relevant to nature

    Sharda Balaji
    By Sharda Balaji over 12 years ago
  • Legal Issues in E-Commerce - Part 3 of the series

    Legal Issues in E-Commerce - Part 3 of the series

    In the earlier posts, Part 1 and 2, we examined a few legal issues related to the business side of e-commerce and conducting business electronically. In this post, we are detailing some of typical questions that e-commerce businesses ask us.

    Sharda Balaji
    By Sharda Balaji over 12 years ago
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