Indian labour laws require certain notices to be displayed on their notice boards in order to educate its employees as well as visitors to the establishment. These display requirements are mandated to be in English as well as the local language of the State in which the establishment is situated. Some States in India have their separate rules, while others follow the rules framed by the Central Government, regarding the display requirements. Below table provides the name of the legislations mandating the display of notices along with a brief description of the contents of the notice to be displayed.
Name of the Act/Rules | Section/ Rule No. | Form number, if any | Local Language in addition to English | Details of Information to be Displayed |
Child And Adolescent Labour (Prohibition And Regulation) Act, 1986 | S.12 | NA | Yes | Notice containing an abstract of sections 3A and 14. While 3A prohibits employment of adolescents, Section 14 contains the penalty provision |
Contract Labour (Regulation And Abolition) Central Rules, 1971 | R.26(2)(ix) | NA | No | A copy of contractor's license shall be displayed prominently at the premises where contract work is carried on |
R.47 | NA | No | The charges for foodstuffs, beverages and any other items serviced in the canteen shall be conspicuously displayed in the canteen | |
R.53 | NA | Yes | Notice in language understood by majority of workers to be displayed outside the latrine as "For Men only" or "For Women only", and shall also bear the figure of a man or a woman, as the case may be. | |
R.71 | NA | No | Notice showing wage period and the place/time of disbursement of wages | |
R.79 | NA | Yes | Every contractor shall display an abstract of the Act and Rules | |
R.81 | NA | Yes | Notices showing the rates of wages, hours of work, wage period, dates of payment of wages, names and addresses of the Inspectors having jurisdiction, and date of payment of unpaid wages, in conspicuous places | |
Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946 | S.9 | NA | Yes | The text of the standing orders as finally certified under this Acton to be posted on special boards to be maintained for the purpose at or near the entrance and in all departments thereof where the workmen are employed |
Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 | S.19 | Form-K | Yes | An abstract of the provisions of this Act and the rules made there under shall be exhibited in a conspicuous place in every part of the establishment in which women are employed |
Minimum Wages (Central) Rules, 1950 | R.22 | Form-XI | Yes | 1. Form-XI containing minimum rates of wages fixed together with 2. The abstracts of the Act 3. The abstracts of the rules made there under 4. Name & Address of the Inspector (These notices are to be displayed at all the offices) Additionally a notice of period of work including overtime is to be displayed in Madhya Pradesh. |
Payment Of Gratuity (Central) Rules, 1972 | R.4 | NA | Yes | A Notice specifying name of officer with designation authorised by the employer to receive on his behalf notices under the Act or rules. |
R.20 | Form U | Yes | Display an abstract of the Act and the rules made there under | |
Karnataka Payment Of Wages Rules,1963 | R.7 | Form VI | Yes | Notice specifying the rates of wages payable to different classes of workers to be displayed separately in the main entrance or each of the departments |
R.21 r/w S.25 | Form V | Yes | The abstracts of the Act and of the rules | |
Rights Of Person With Disabilities Rules, 2017 | R.8(2) r/w S.21 | No | Display equal opportunity policy on either website or at conspicuous place in their premises | |
Sexual Harassment Of Women At Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition And Redressal) Act, 2013 | S.19 | NA | No | 1. Display penal consequences of Sexual Harassment 2. Order constituting the Internal Committee |
Karnataka Shops and Commercial Establishments Acts, 1961 | S.4(2) | NA | No | Registration certificate to be prominently displayed |
S.12(1) r/w R.24(4) | Form P | No | Notice of Weekly Holiday | |
R.24(5) | NA | Yes | The abstracts of the Act and of the rules | |
24-A | NA | Yes | The name Board in Kannada version shall be written more predominantly by providing more space than for other languages | |
Karnataka Tax On Professions, Trades, Calling And Employments Rules, 1976 | R.8 | NA | No | Display conspicuously at his places of work the certificate of registration or the certificate of enrolment or a copy thereof |
Disclaimer: The Rule name mentioned in the above table is for the State of Karnataka and the respective State Rules will be applicable for establishments in States other than Karnataka.