Fund Formation - Onshore and Offshore

Setting up a fund for venture capital financing is an immensely specialised practice area. Our array of services for fund formation covers strategic as well as operational. On the strategic level, it involves structuring the fund, investment ethos, advisory board composition, investment committee structure and governance, GP compensation, and the like.

Our advisory at operationalising the fund formation includes drafting of PPM, Contribution Agreements, Management Advisory Engagement. We provide a one-stop solution for fund managers by assisting with regulatory requirements, including application, registration, periodical filings, and trust deeds.

For an offshore fund, there are many complex tax and regulatory requirements for various jurisdictions, repatriation, etc.

We offer attractive additional services by managing compliances, tracking their governance, adherence to investment agreements are attractive added services that we provide.

Please also explore our fund investment practice for a wide range of services, including due diligence, investment agreements, and various transaction-related services.

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