SEZ and Real Estate

Special Economic Zone (SEZ):

India, under the Foreign Trade Policy, has provided fiscal incentives, quality infrastructure, single window clearances and regulations for bolstering economic growth through SEZ policy. Our services in this practice area includes application, registration and follow up for SEZ approvals, including de-registration and treatment of assets; legal undertaking and other documentation; support through our affiliate accounting firm for bonding and other accounting/tax aspects.


Real Estate:

Our range of services for the traditional real estate industry includes title diligence, legal opinions and reports; Joint development agreements, documents and processes. Under India’s new legislation on Real Estate (Regulation & Development) Act, 2016, we support through advisory and compliances required under this Act.

For the new age discovery and aggregators, our services includes the knowledge required of both the traditional business and the technological aspects.

For companies serving real estate, we provide support through registrations for apartment owners associations, dispute resolution, obtaining government records.

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