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At NovoJuris Legal, we believe sharing is caring and strive to share our research outputs relevant to the enterprises, founders, lawyers and knowledge professionals.

  • De-mystifying ESOP Implementation – Part II of the series.

    De-mystifying ESOP Implementation – Part II of the series.

    The previous post covered the Basic Primer on Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP/ Plan) In this post, we’re going to chart out a clear ‘How To’ process for Startups. Most startups know about ESOP Trust. May be, because amongst the

    Sharda Balaji
    By Sharda Balaji over 12 years ago
  • All about ESOPs – Part I of the series

    All about ESOPs – Part I of the series

    An Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP) is an option given to the employees to buy the shares of the Company. Until the option is exercised and converts into a share, an option holder does not get any shareholder rights of

    Sharda Balaji
    By Sharda Balaji over 12 years ago
  • Present Sir ! Board meetings through video conferencing counted for Quorum.

    Present Sir ! Board meetings through video conferencing counted for Quorum.

    After almost 13 years of constant request by the industry, Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) considers Directors attending Board / Committee Meetings through video conferencing as valid quorum.  Read the circular here I remember program co-ordinating Companies Bill, 1997 held

    Sharda Balaji
    By Sharda Balaji about 13 years ago
  • Creation of ESOP Trust - Why complicate?

    Creation of ESOP Trust - Why complicate?

    Many small sized organizations prefer to have the Board approving the grant of stock Options.  In large organizations, they either have a Compensation Committee or set up a Trust. Many Indian companies, including Infosys Limited, have used trust route to

    Sharda Balaji
    By Sharda Balaji about 13 years ago
  • Foreign Direct Investment is now permitted in LLPs

    Foreign Direct Investment is now permitted in LLPs

    The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) on the 11May 2011 approved the proposal to amend the policy on allowing Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) firms.  A Notification to this effect (which covers minutia) is still

    Sharda Balaji
    By Sharda Balaji over 13 years ago
  • Liquidation Preference.  Does it really work?

    Liquidation Preference. Does it really work?

     Liquidation Preference, simply put, is a term used in venture capital contracts to specify that the investors get paid in preference to other parties.  The shareholders agreement (SHA) describes how much they get paid and in preference to whom. SHA,

    Sharda Balaji
    By Sharda Balaji over 13 years ago
  • Working on your start-up in stealth-mode while being employed?

    Working on your start-up in stealth-mode while being employed?

    It takes time from ideation to actual execution.  Those who are employed many a time would like to have the cushion of a monthly salary when still perfecting the idea and getting close to execution, so that the bills can

    Sharda Balaji
    By Sharda Balaji over 13 years ago
  • Choosing an Advisory Board for Startups

    Choosing an Advisory Board for Startups

    We all need a sounding board to bounce off our thoughts and get good advice.  For startups it is a very valuable and powerful management tool, to have an experienced person who has ‘been there and done that’ to actually

    Sharda Balaji
    By Sharda Balaji over 13 years ago
  • Founders' Agreement

    Founders' Agreement

    Most founders begin their startup with their friends, colleagues or someone who they have known in the past. The earlier social relationship is now an economic relationship and it is essential to have a strong contractual agreement. There are some

    Sharda Balaji
    By Sharda Balaji over 13 years ago
  • Limited Liability Partnership

    Limited Liability Partnership

    LLP, a legal form available world-wide is now introduced in India and is governed by the Limited Liability Partnership Act 2008, with effect from April 1, 2009. <link>  LLP combines the advantages of ease of running a Partnership and

    Sharda Balaji
    By Sharda Balaji over 15 years ago
  • Registering a society

    Registering a society

    If you are contemplating starting a not for profit business, one of the options available is registering a Society under Societies Registration Act 1860. This is a Central Act, but registrations are jurisdictional, depending on the location of the office.

    Sharda Balaji
    By Sharda Balaji over 15 years ago
  • Protecting Trade Secrets

    Protecting Trade Secrets

    You must have read the news last month about an ex-Intel employee being charged with theft of trade secrets. Do you think it was a wilful act or negligence or ignorance? It is imperative for organizations to educate employees

    Sharda Balaji
    By Sharda Balaji almost 16 years ago
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